So life at the Nichols has been getting a little out of our comfort level. Not so great things have been happening allot at my house. When stuff like this happens, I instantly take a step back and look at my spiritual life. Then I step back and say what is God telling me or wanting to teach me. I know that God controls everything the good and the bad. I was reading through Job and it came to me in a verse. Who am I only to take the good that God gives and reject the bad. He's teaching me to rely on him. Not my husband, his job, money, or myself. That can all be taken away. I used to hate the book of Job cause it seriously scared me. That God allowed all those bad things to happen. Now I love it, which is very odd for me but it shows such a amazing example to handle life's ups and downs. So far this spring/summer dad has passed away, Chris and Gabe were hit by a van, I got skin cancer, I have to have biopsies for thyroid cancer and my a/c has went out. Yes I have gotten so stressed about medical bills and stuff. Its my natural reaction. At the same time I'm looking for the blessings and lessons that are coming out of all these bad things. So far I have found some sunshine amongst the rain.
I hate that my dad passed but God has showed me so much through that journey.
I know that miracles are still happening because Gabe is still alive after being hit by a van head on.
Chris is alive after being hit twice by cars this year.
I'm so thankful I met my insurance deductible and went to the Dr's to get my skin and thyroid check. Otherwise they wouldn't of found the skin cancer and thyroid problems early. Plus my medical bills aren't so high.
I'm still waiting on the sunshine from the a/c going out. So far we are learning to be grateful for everything in our house so we don't complain about it.
In the end after everything is happening. I'm so thankful I know who is in control. I have my family who are well and safe. That's all that matters in the end.
Thanks, Cheryl! You are modeling a great attitude for us all. I pray that God's blessings begin to rain down on your family. He is faithful!